
Llythyr er gwybodaeth

Gweler y llythyr ynghlwm ynghylch newidiadau dros dro amser cinio


Letter for your Information

Please see letter attached regarding temporary lunchtime changes

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i gael mynediad i'r rhifyn diweddaraf o gylchlythyr yr ysgol (Rhif 11)

Please click on the following link to access the latest edition of the school newsletter (No.11)


Derbyniadau Chweched Dosbarth

Derbyniadau newydd i’n Chweched Dosbarth, llenwch y ffurflen fer yma a bydd aelod o Dîm y Chweched Dosbarth yn cysylltu â chi’n fuan. Nid oes angen i ddisgbylion presennol Bl11 Ysgol Dyffryn Aman lenwi'r ffurflen hon.


Sixth Form Admissions

New admissions to our Sixth Form, please complete the short form here and a member of the Sixth Form Team will contact you shortly. Current Yr11 students at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman do not need to complete this form.

Ydych chi’n hawlio'r holl help posib gyda chostau ysgol?

Rydym ni yma yn Ysgol Dyffryn Aman yn awyddus i sicrhau bod disgyblion a theuluoedd yn cael yr holl gymorth sydd ar gael. Mae canllawiau am y gwahanol fathau o gymorth ar y ddolen isod.

Have you claimed all the support you can get with school costs?

At Ysgol Dyffryn Aman we are keen to ensure that all students and families receive the support that they are entitled to. Please find guidance of whether you may be eligible to apply for free school meals and other support at the link below.


Yn y fideo hwn, mae Mr. Ceri Myers, y Dirprwy Bennaeth newydd, yn trafod pwysigrwydd gwisg ysgol a'i heffaith ar lwyddiant academaidd a bugeiliol.


In this video, Mr. Ceri Myers, the new Deputy Head Teacher, discusses the importance of school uniform and it's impact on academic and pastoral success.

Codi arian


Ewch i’n tudalen codi arian i ddechrau!

Visit our easyfundraising page to get started!

About Ysgol Dyffryn Aman

About Us

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Pupil Absence

To report pupil absence please click the link below…

Parent/Guardian Information

All the information you need can be found here…

Useful Links

The New Parent App

We have a convenient new way to share information with you about your child’s school life

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Download the application and apply now to make sure you get paid on time.

My Assessed Progress…

Learn more about MAP…
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